
Sober and Bored: How to Enjoy Long-term Recovery

Afraid of making mistakes and of what people thought of me. I ruminated over tiny things and couldn’t seem to just relax and let things go. Cultivate your spiritual side with prayer, meditation, and spiritual reading when boredom hits. Are you searching for a movie to watch that is about drug addiction? We all know that movies can be a great way to escape from reality for a couple of hours. But what about when you want to watch a movie that will make you think or be inspired?

sober and bored

Many people use drugs because they want to feel high and they want to experience an adrenaline rush. What is important to learn is that there are other activities where you can experience these highs without using illicit substances. Some examples include physical activities such as exercise, hiking, extreme sports, and drinking because of boredom other outdoor pursuits. It’s important to note that asking “is being sober boring? ” isn’t limited to those who haven’t received treatment for an alcohol and drug problem. Euphoric recall is a dangerous thought process that can jeopardize the recovery of those who have completed treatment and consider themselves sober.

Treatment For Those Suffering From Boredom and Substance Abuse

For a vision board, you can use images or even words that illustrate your dreams. For example, if you want to travel to a certain area of the world, put pictures of that place on your vision board. If you want to spend more time with family, put pictures of your own family and also families engaged in fun activities on your board. Riviera Recovery is a health and wellness sober living community helping men & women recover from substance use, mental health and co-occurring disorders. My heart goes out to anyone out there trying to stay sober or get sober, and if you can’t seem to get through the first 30 days, please reach out to a treatment center and get help. I am not here to condone drug use, nor am I here to judge. I am here to share my personal experience with sobriety and why being sober can be or feel so boring.

First, it medically frees you from those uncontrollable urges and cravings to drink or use opioids, while blocking their pleasure effects as well. That ‘obsession’ that rules our lives completely loses its grip. Now, we work together to uncover and discover the causes that led to this madness, and more importantly, what it takes to live a happy, fulfilling life free and clear of alcohol and drugs…for good. Overcoming boredom in addiction recovery is not an easy task. It is a skill that takes effort over a long period of time to act and react to the challenges of recovery.

We Become Used to Being Able to Change the Way We Feel

Take control of the aspects of your life that you have some influence over and watch the world change around you. Once you have really looked at your habits, consider alternative solutions. If you like gin and tonic when you’re vegging on the sofa, swap it for fizzy water with lemon. If you know your willpower weakens after 9 pm, get up before then and go and have a warm shower instead. Your unadulterated consciousness may come as an unpleasant surprise to you.

sober and bored

If you need help dealing with boredom and substance abuse, we’ve got the answers. Additionally, we treat mental health issues you may also have.

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